Attorney Leah Michaelson-Link Settles Case for $100,000.00

In this case, our client suffered multiple injuries, including concussive syndrome, whiplash, ocular flutter, tinnitus, and hyperacusis when she was rear ended while riding as a passenger in a vehicle. Treatment included occipital nerve blocks, corrective eye wear, physical and occupational therapy, and chiropractic. Attorney Leah Michaelson-Link was able to obtain a settlement of $100,000.00 for our client.
If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, call Davis & Gelshenen LLP at 1-866-427-2121 for a free initial consultation with one of our Experienced, Trusted, and Recommended Personal Injury Attorneys. Davis & Gelshenen LLP handles cases throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, and North Carolina and will meet with you at your home to discuss your case.