What to Do After a Car Accident

A car accident can be a very traumatic event. Stress and injuries may affect your ability to think clearly. How you react to the accident and the information that you obtain can be a critical element in your case. After an accident:
Be careful. If you are in severe pain, wait for paramedics to arrive to assess your injuries. Speak with other drivers and witnesses involved to obtain names, addresses and telephone numbers.
Make sure that you acquire each driver’s automobile insurance information including the name of the person insured on the vehicle, the company’s name and telephone number if known.
Contact the police to make an immediate report of the accident and remain at the scene until after an officer arrives.
Cooperate with the police in preparing an accident report. After the accident, photograph the exterior and interior of the vehicles involved in the accident.
Do not fill out any insurance documents, releases or provide recorded statements without first consulting with a lawyer.
If injured, consult with a physician.
If you or a family member has been in an accident, call Davis & Gelshenen LLP at 1-866-427-2121 for a free initial consultation with one of our Experienced, Trusted, and Recommended Personal Injury Attorneys. Davis & Gelshenen LLP handles cases throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio, and will meet with you at your home to discuss your case.