Is Your Child Safe on a School Bus?

According to the National Safety Council, 22 million students across the country begin and end their school day with a trip on a school bus. Most parents put their kids on school buses without thinking twice about safety. Surprisingly, most safety related problems involving buses tend to occur outside of the bus. In fact, almost 2/3 of school bus related fatalities occur outside of the bus itself. Following are some key points to teach your children to insure their safety both on and off the bus:
Children should wait away from the roadway and board only when the bus has come to a complete stop.
When crossing in front of the bus, children should walk at least 10 steps away from the bus so the driver can see them.
Children should never walk behind the bus. Drivers can lose sight of kids in blind spots.
Children should always stay seated and face forward with feet on the ground.
Children should place book bags under their seats or under the seats in front of them
Children should never throw things on a bus. If something were to hit the driver it could cause the driver to lose control of the bus.
If a child drops something under or nearby a bus, the driver should be informed before anyone tries to pick it up. If the driver is not informed, he or she may begin moving the bus while a child is in harm’s way.
When it’s icy outside, children should be sure to walk slowly and carefully around the bus, and ALWAYS walk with someone. This way if a child falls, someone is there to inform the bus driver.
For more safety tips and general information about ways to keep your children safe, please visit If you have been in an accident, call Davis & Gelshenen LLP at 1-866-427-2121 for a free initial consultation with one of our Experienced, Trusted, and Recommended Personal Injury Attorneys. Davis & Gelshenen LLP handles cases throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio, and will meet with you at your home to discuss your case.