Collision Claims Data Reveals Interesting Automobile Accident Trends

Progressive Insurance examined its collision claim data and found some interesting trends that may surprise you, including the fact that driving can be riskier on certain days of the week. Knowing about these trends can help drivers be aware of the potential risks they face. Here are some of the trends discovered:
You are more likely to end up in a rear-end accident than any other type. Single-vehicle accidents and damage to a parked car are also common.
Friday is the most dangerous day of the week for personal auto claims, followed by Monday and Thursday.
Your car is most likely to be stolen over the weekend, with Saturday and Sunday as the top two days, followed by Monday.
During the holiday season, the week of Thanksgiving shows a significant jump in claims. With many people traveling and shopping, there is an increase of motorists on the roads.
Data found that the Sunday after Thanksgiving has the highest percentage of out-of-state accidents of any day during Thanksgiving week.
According to the NHTSA, travelling and a higher number of alcohol-impaired drivers cause nearly twice the number of automotive deaths during summer months than during the rest of the year combined.
Nine of the 10 deadliest days for youth on U.S. highways fall between May and August.
Although accidents can happen at any time, data trends can show us when extra precaution may be needed. When driving, it is important to always be alert, wear a seatbelt, and follow the rules of the road.