It’s back to school time: Teach your children how to be safe!

It is that time of the year again when the school bells ring, backpacks come out and yellow buses return. But before your little geniuses hit the books, make sure they are equipped with the knowledge to stay safe.
Here are some back-to-school safety tips to consider:
- If you can, walk with your child to school or the bus stop.
- If your child rides the bus, teach them to wait in a safe area for the bus to arrive, and cross in front of the bus only when the bus’ stop signal is extended and the driver indicates it is safe to cross.
- If your child walks to school, teach them to: obey traffic signals, always use sidewalks and crosswalks and walk facing traffic on the far edge of the road if sidewalks are not available, obey crossing guards, and look both ways before crossing the street.
- If your child is biking or using a scooter, make sure they are wearing a proper fitting helmet and other protective gear. They also need to know related laws and safety rules, like where to ride, how to cross an intersection, and the importance of using proper hand signals.
- Unfortunately, we all must assume that most drivers are distracted. Teach your children to be “defensive walkers or riders,” always on the lookout for cars that may not see them.
- Likewise, teach your older students to put down their devices while walking so they can be alert to hazards around them. This includes keeping headphone volume low enough that they can hear approaching vehicles or other forms of danger.
- Help your children stay visible to drivers by dressing them in bright or reflective clothing.
By following these tips, you can help your child have a safe and successful school year. If an unfortunate accident occurs and you need legal guidance, call the attorneys at Davis & Gelshenen at 866.427.2121.